An American Holocaust story relived

2013-04-03 1,314

In 1939 two Jewish Americans entered into Nazi-occupied Vienna with one goal: to rescue 50 children from the Holocaust.

Gilbert Kraus and his wife Eleanor brought back 25 girls and 25 boys to the United States.

Now the humble couple's story is being told by their granddaughter Liz Perle and her husband Steven Pressman, in a HBO documentary "50 Children: The Rescue Mission of Mr. and Mrs. Kraus."

SOUNDBITE: Liz Perle, granddaughter of the Krauses, saying (English):

" I grew up knowing the story but not really appreciating the import."

While the Krauses never sought publicity for what they did, Perle and Pressman felt the story was big enough for the screen.

SOUNDBITE: Steven Pressman, film maker, saying (English):

"It was a wonderful opportunity to shine a light on this unknown, this little unknown Holocaust rescue story. But I think more importantly to also shine a much deserved spotlight on this extraordinary couple."

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