MQM 2013 Election Manifesto 'Empowering People'

2013-04-01 1

MQM is the only political party in Pakistan which represents and comprises of ninety eight percent working, middle class and poor masses of the country who are presently down trodden, disadvantaged and exploited by the two percent ruling elite.

MQM has revolutionised politics in Pakistan its elected representatives and office bearers are chosen by ordinary party members/workers and people on merit from constituents level not by virtue of being born in a feudal family or political dynasty.

The prevalent feudal system in Pakistan is the main obstacle in the progress of the country and the prosperity of her people. Due to this obsolete system a genuine democracy could not establish in the country and the people of Pakistan could not get their due rights, social justice, equal opportunities, rule of law and real participation in the affairs of the state.

MQM is struggling to abolish this obsolete system and introduce participatory democracy, merit based bureaucracy and independent judiciary wherein the State shall promote social and economic wellbeing of the people in order to establish a truly democratic, progressive and egalitarian society in the country where all citizens have equal rights irrespective of their caste, colour, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, belief and religion.

MQM believes in Realism and Practicalism as enunciated by Mr. Altaf Hussain, the founding leader of the party. MQM is against all types of terrorism, religious extremism and is struggling for religious, sectarian and interfaith harmony.

The cherished goals of MQM are eradication of political authoritarianism, abolition of feudal system, promotion of cultural pluralism, devolution of power to the grass root level and to achieve full provincial autonomy and a completely devolve local government system. MQM believes in induction of common man in the power structure to provide opportunity to economically and socially deprived people-“empowerment for all” for a better and safer life for today and tomorrow.

MQM hopes that the people of Pakistan will support the MQM to achieve these cherished goals.