Justin Bieber's monkey business

2013-04-01 1

It seems like Justin Bieber just can't get a break.

The 19-year-old pop star lost his traveling companion after German customs officials quarantined his pet monkey for not having the appropriate paperwork.

Munich airport customs spokesperson, Thomas Meister.

SOUNDBITE: Thomas Meister, Munich airport customs spokesperson, saying (German):

"We carried out a check on a traveler and in doing so discovered a live monkey. The appropriate documents could not be produced so we were obliged to confiscate the monkey."

Bieber was in Munich for a concert and left for Vienna by bus, without the monkey.

This incident is the latest in a string of hiccups the star has suffered over the past month.

The Canadian singer was caught on tape losing his temper with paparazzi in London, booed by fans after starting a concert late and fainted backstage after a show at London's 02 arena.

Bieber recently tweeted to fans, "I mess up sometimes. It's part of growing u