Early build of The Witcher 2, running on Nokia N900, 800x480 native resolution, thanks to wonderful, very customizable RED engine. Framerate is awful yet, but hey, it's 900 mhz ARM cortex A8 and 256 MB RAM! Still, it's *almost* playable now, and I suspect 10-15% performance gain if I get rid of wrapper and make it run 100% natively.
There are other bugs, too - like pesky software cursor or no sound (say hi to ancient pulseaudio version on Maemo) - that I need to take care of.
Sorry for video quality, but I had only my old Fujifilm Finepix Z at hand, and no tripod - I've been coding 48 hours straight to make it even start to work, so I spend only 15 minutes on this video. More to come!