Clashes erupt between Israeli soldiers and demonstrators marking Land Day

2013-03-29 223


STORY: Protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers on Friday, as they demonstrated in the West Bank ahead of the 37th anniversary of "Land Day" on Saturday.

"Land Day" is the day Palestinians commemorate the 1976 Israeli government announcement that it would expropriate Arab land in the Galilee region, which resulted in a general Arab-Israeli strike and mass marches.

Palestinian and International activists organized the march between five villages located in the south Hebron hills. The villages are at risk of being cut off from the rest of the West Bank if planned Israeli settlement and wall building goes ahead.

What was supposed to be a peaceful march turned to scuffles when the demonstrators were confronted by Israeli soldiers who tried to stop them accessing a local road.

Israeli forces fired tear gas to try and disperse the crowd, and several people were seen being detained.

The annexation of land in the West Bank i

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