Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.
What was happening in the world one hundred years ago?
Hi this is Matt and here are 5 New York Times headlines from March 25th, 1913.
Number 5 – When was the last time you heard of a horsecar accident? The Times reported an incident in Greenwich Village involving on-duty horses that skipped out of work after being involved in a minor traffic accident. Also remarkable about the report is that Greenwich Village was described as a place where, “children play undisturbed by automobiles.”
Number 4 – The New York Milk Committee created and showed a melodramatic, fear-inducing moving picture – now just called a movie - as part of their mission to educate new mothers about the dangers of feeding infants sub-quality milk.
Number 3 – Find yourself seduced by glossy residential complex brochures showing off their pools, saunas, and concierge services? Back in the day the amenities of desire were a bit more practical. Real estate developers took out advertisements boasting features like non-combustible stairways and basement sprinkler systems.
Number 2 –Scientists and citizens alike were still working out severe weather terminology, classifying the different types of high-wind storms as cyclones and tornadoes. The hurricane had yet to be defined.
Number 1 – Mrs. Nellie Callahan’s pet parrot saved the lives of her home-alone children, one of which was sick with the measles. Negligent parenting? In her defense when it came to mortality rates, the measles had nothing on other common infectious diseases like diphtheria and typhoid.