Travel Expenses - Georgia Workers' Compensation lawyer

2013-03-25 15

Georgia Workers' Compensation Travel Expenses

1. Mileage Money....

Georgia law says you are entitled receive mileage money whenever you are on workers' compensation and have to drive for medical care. At this time its forty cents a mile. It doesn't matter if you drive your own car, or if a friend takes you. It doesn't matter if you need to travel to a doctor's visit, to get an objective test like an X-ray or MRi, if you have to go to physical therapy, or even if you have to drive to get your prescribed medication filled at the pharmacy; if you have to travel for any type of medical care related to your job injury, you are entitled to receive mileage money.

Incredibly, many insurance companies do not even bother to tell this to injured workers.

Keep track of your mileage, gas is expensive and your mileage benefits can really add up.

2. Full Transportation....

But there's more, if you don't have a reliable car or can't find anyone to take you, the workers' compensation insurance company is still under an obligation to make sure that you can get to your medical care. Depending on your condition, they may have to pay for a taxi or even a full medical transportation ambulance service.

Now, they hate to do that because it's very expensive and they may try to make you believe it's not their responsibility, but under Georgia law, it is.

3. Room and Board

There's even a rule that says that if you have to travel an extended distance for specialized medical care, you are also entitled to have the workers' compensation insurance company pay for your hotel and meals.

The workers compensation insurance company is required by law to make sure you can get to and from your medical care.

If your workers' compensation insurance company didn't even bother to tell you about your travel options, you've got to wonder what else they're not telling you.

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