Pasta Worshipping Church Headed to Appeals Court

2013-03-21 36

A pasta worshipping church is headed to appeals court.

Members of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster plan to appear in front of judges in Strasbourg to appeal for their right to exist as a religion.

The spaghetti worshippers, known as pastafarians are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights after their church was rejected as an official faith by Poland's Ministry of Administration

The radical church emerged in 2005 in Kansas.

A physics student named Bobby Henderson launched the religion which the followers say is based on the belief that an alien made from pasta created the universe. The members state “This is not the end. Most religions were persecuted at the beginning of their existence.”

In 2011, a fellow pastafarian was permitted to be photographed wearing his so-called religious headgear in his official driving license photo, but only because his face was fully visible. The Austrian man, Niko Alm claimed that the headpiece, which turned out to be a spaghetti colander was a requirement of his pastafarian religion.

His mental health had to be checked before allowing him to drive and after a long battle for his license, Alm received the laminated card featuring his straightforward expression accentuated by the strainer on top of his head.