Phoenix-Bound Dog Mistakenly Sent to Ireland By Airline

2013-03-20 61

A Phoenix-bound dog is mistakenly sent to Ireland on a flight.

Don’t ever mess with a family’s beloved pet. Recently an English Springer Spaniel named Hendrix landed on a New Jersey flight to Ireland.

The only problem was that he was supposed to be heading to Phoenix, Arizona to be reunited with his human family. (1,1,1) The dog’s owner, Edith claimed that several minutes before the scheduled landing she got a phone call from United Airlines stating that Hendrix would not be arriving.

Edith’s family is in the process of moving to Arizona from New York, but they could not take Hendrix down with them because their chosen airline did not accept animals as cargo. The mix-up turned out to be a boarding mistake and United Airlines offered the family a refund for the dog’s flight and the long ordeal.

Edith states “I can't believe that somebody would be so stupid. And if this person doesn't lose their job, I mean, there are going to be problems.”

It seems pets are just as eager to reunite with their owners. Last year, a 4-year-old cat from West Palm Beach, named Holly walked nearly 190 miles over the course of two months to get home. According to her owners, she ran from her family while they were vacationing in Daytona Beach Florida after some loud fireworks had frightened her.