dating tips for shy guys

2013-03-19 99

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

If you're shy around women it can really hold you back. You can miss out on so many great opportunities. How many times have you sat in a cafe or bar and seen a beautiful looking woman, but felt to scared to approach her in case she rejected you? One of the best dating tips for shy guys is to learn how to overcome the fear of rejection.

Overcoming the fear of rejection

This is a major obstacle if you're shy. You convince yourself that every attractive woman you see will turn you down, or even laugh at you. Just remember that even the most stunning and successful woman can be feeling just as nervous as you. Rejection is a part of life, and learning to accept it can make a big difference to how you feel about yourself. Once you overcome the fear of being rejected then you won't be so anxious about approaching a woman.

If you're shy the best places to meet women are where you can find those with a similar interest. For example join a class or group. Do you like photography? Art? or maybe astrology or even writing. You will find it much easier to talk to women in a relaxed environment where there is no pressure to chat up or ask a woman out on a date.

Practice smiling and making eye contact

Another great dating tip for shy guys is to practice smiling at strangers. Shy people tend to look away and avoid eye contact. However by making an effort to look at someone in the eye and smile, even for a few seconds can help you overcome shyness. You will be surprised at how most people smile back! Try and do this every day. In the supermarket, bank or even on a bus or train you will find plenty of women to smile at. Just hold your gaze for a couple of seconds and look away. It may seem very hard at first but it will become easier.

Make your first date somewhere you feel comfortable

If you meet a woman and she agrees to go on a date with you, choose somewhere local where you feel comfortable. A quiet restaurant or bar where you can talk is a good idea. Think about what to say to her before the date. If you're shy it can be hard to make conversation. What does she like? What are her interests? Forget about yourself and focus on her. Notice what she's wearing. Comment on a necklace or ring.

Before you go on your date visualise a happy and positive experience. Practice deep breathing as it helps to lower anxiety and stress.

Watch part 2 to learn how to gain confidence with women