A woman sees everything upside down due to brain condition.
We take normal vision for granted unless something goes wrong.
One woman in Serbia deals with a bizarre brain condition that causes her to see everything upside down.
The 28-year-old reportedly witnesses things differently because there is an issue with the way her brain processes images. She reads papers starting from the bottom and utilizes an upside-down television and computer monitor.
She states “It may look incredible to other people but to me it's completely normal. I was born that way. It's just the way I see the world.”
Experts from Harvard University and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are baffled as to how it happens and where in the brain the distortion comes from.
They conclude that the woman sees normally but the brain somehow flips the images.
In another strange condition, a 67-year-old woman arrived at a Kentucky hospital complaining of visions of bizarre faces sporting football-shaped heads and large eyes, ears and teeth. Fearing she was suffering from hallucinations, she thought she was losing her mind.
It was determined that she had a condition known as Charles Bonnet syndrome. The elderly woman's eyesight was impaired. Apparently, the brain will create its own sensory input when the ability to see lessens, leading to the so-called hallucinations.