More Dermatology Patients with these Simple Web Design Tips
Do you obtain the sensation your site might be a little boring? If individuals aren't remaining on the website and doing whatever it is you desire them to do, this is most likely the situation.
What it implies for your Health care Technique is that your web site needs to shout at visitors, get them by the collar, shake them like crazy, and not let go until their globe has been completely and entirely rocked.
All it needs to do is get hold of focus and keep it, and right here's exactly how you do that.
Make It Clear
Just what is your website about and what does it offer? If this isn't really clear and evident within about 5 seconds, you need to make it clearer (remember just what I said regarding the hamster focus period).
The header and graphics should state clearly what this website is about. Usage graphics that are related to your niche and utilize the keywords