Cockatoos Can Exhibit Self-Control: Study

2013-03-16 379

A study reveals cockatoos can exhibit self control.

Your cockatoo may be smarter than you think?

New research has found that cockatoos exhibit self control when it comes to food rewards.

Scientists from the University of Vienna gave Goffin cockatoo birds a pecan and showed them a better looking cashew just out of reach.

If the birds didn’t eat the first nut for up to 80 seconds, they would get the second nut.

All 14 of the birds involved in the study waited to get the better looking second nut.

The ability to delay satisfaction for a better food reward is a trait thought to be exhibited only by large brained animals, but the results of the study show that birds are also capable of this behavior.

Another study on self control from 40 years ago used children as subjects and marshmallows, a biscuit or a pretzel stick instead of nuts.

The children could eat the snack immediately or hold off for 15 minutes and get an extra snack.

Keeping track of the study participants through out their life showed that those children who were able to delay gratification had better grades in school, led healthier lives and stayed in relationships for a longer period of time.