NATO says Afghan government committed, despite Karzai comments

2013-03-15 66

Dual attacks in Afghanistan March 9th with more than a dozen killed in Kabul and Khost.

This in the same week Afghani President Hamid Karzai declares that the United States was working in collusion with the Taliban -- in an effort to extend the stay of foreign troops in the ground.

Brigadier General Gunter Katz says the remarks will not impact the force posture.


"Clearly our transition is on track. It's in accordance with the time line and it is in accordance with the strategy given by NATO, and we have no doubt that the Afghan government and ISAF have a shared interest in the commitment and the continuation of this transition process and are clearly committed to an enduring partnership."

The United States and NATO allies are crafting a strategy to pull out troops and decide are debating how large a residual force should be left behind after 2014.

NATO has been discussing keeping a co