Pope urges return to Gospel roots

2013-03-14 84

Pope Francis wasted no time settling into his new role as head of the Roman Catholic Church.

Delivering his first mass inside the Sistine Chapel, his homily was simple --- He urged cardinals to stick to their Gospel roots, shun modern temptations. If they didn't, he warned the church would fail at its true mission.

SOUNDBITE: Pope Francis saying (Italian)

"We can walk all we want, we can build many things, but if we don't proclaim Jesus Christ, something is wrong. We would become a compassionate NGO."

Speaking in Italian and without notes, his approach had the homespun quality of a sermon from a parish priest. It was a stark contrast to his predecessor Pope Benedict who read his out in Latin.

Outside, hundreds gathered in St. Peter's Square for a glimpse of the new pope in action.