Leaked Star Wars: First Assault Teaser Trailer

2013-03-13 1

The first gameplay footage from Star Wars: First Assault has leaked

Initially set for a Spring release, the game may never make it out now after Disney snapped up the rights from George Lucas and put all games relating to the franchise on hold.

The two leaks vids are reportedly cut from a trailer made for internal purposes in October or November of last year. One shows a Stormtrooper donning a battered old helmet, while the other shows gameplay footage from the frantic looking shooter.

According to a source, "The trailer contains all in-game footage, including known bugs and incomplete art. In the time since it was made, many improvements have been made in performance, completeness, and quality."

LucasArts is still, officially, silent on Star Wars: First Assault and will presumably stay so while the suits decide the project's fate. For what it's worth we hope it comes out. Looks promising.