Dennis Rodman calls for a black pope

2013-03-13 54

Two weeks ago he was in North Korea.

Then Dennis Rodman was in St. Peter's Square in Rome, hoping to see the appointment of the first ever black pope.

SOUNDBITE: Former Basketball player Dennis Rodman saying (English):

"You know he's going to be the first black pope so basically hey I'm here to support."

But his wishes fell on deaf ears.

Nigeria's cardinal Peter Turkson, who was seen as one of the favorites, was not voted in. Nor was any other African cardinal.

But Rodman had additional hopes for the new pontiff:

SOUNDBITE: Former Basketball player Dennis Rodman saying (English):

"I think the guy that's going to be successor of the last pope, he should be more of an improvement instead of a hindrance."

The former NBA star plans to be back in Rome soon, in hopes he'll be able to meet the new leader -- Argentina's Pope Francis I -- face to face.