Lili was here - Audrey Hepburn portrait combined with a question - by Christine Dumbsky

2013-03-13 1

Lili was here - question wrapped in a portrait of Audrey Hepburn

inspired by a poem of Oscar Wilde
“Moral ist immer die Zuflucht der Leute die Schönheit nicht begreifen. Morality is always the refuge for people who do not comprehend beauty”

FineART & BodyART by the Artist Christine Dumbsky
more artworks at:

Artprints -- Poster -- available at:

Booking für Special Make-up, Styling, Bodypainting, Requisite, Bühnenbilder,
Gemälde, Portraits, Onlinemovies und andere Werbemittel, live und Fotostudio.

Booking for special make-up, styling, bodypaint, prop, stage paintings,
paintings, portraits, online movies and other advertising efforts, live an for photo studio.