US Tells China to Stop Hacking Attacks Against American Companies

2013-03-13 49

The White House national security adviser Tom Donilon has urged China to end its cyber espionage activities against American companies.

He spoke at the Asia Society in New York on Monday, and said attacks originating from China are stealing company secrets on a "unprecedented scale." Donilon added that "the international community cannot afford to tolerate such activity from any country."

This is the first time the US government has made specific mention of China as being behind the mounting reports of cyber attacks.

In response, spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said today (March 12) that the Chinese regime is willing to talk to the US about cyber security.

The Obama administration recently announced a new executive order on cyber security. Donilon said on Monday that the US will take action to protect its economy against cyber threats.

Last month, US-based Internet security company Mandiant linked the Chinese military to large numbers of cyber attacks on US entities. The Chinese regime has so far denied the accusations.

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