New Energy Bar Includes Crickets in Ingredients

2013-03-12 258

An energy bar company utilizes cricket protein.

Health bar company, Chapul is creating products which have cricket protein flour.

The newest bar contains dark chocolate, dates, peanuts and the insect protein.

The company states “For centuries, human civilizations have rightly considered insects an excellent, plentiful and resource-efficient source of protein. Eating insects provides an incredibly rich source of protein, iron and omega-3 acids and are very low in cholesterols and fat.”

Chapul claims that 80 percent of the world still consumes insects as a part of their diet, including stir fried tree ants and grasshoppers. The company believes the American diet is dependent on protein derived from “unhealthy and inefficient sources”.

The business wants to initiate a revolutionary change by utilizing bugs in their products, as they say protein sources like cattle and pigs use massive amounts of water resources and add to greenhouse gas emissions.

Last year, students at Middlebury College started their own business with plans to provide crickets as a viable source of food. The group was inspired by a trip to Thailand, where eating bugs is common.