Online Video Marketing Tips - YouTube Optimization

2013-03-09 22 Online Video Marketing Tips ~ If you're posting your videos on YouTube... as you should be... you want to make sure you're giving your videos their best chance of being found by Google and by YouTube searchers. This is when YouTube optimization can become one of the most important part to your online video marketing.

What is YouTube Optimization?

Simply put, YouTube optimization is making sure your main keyword phrase is appropriately placed throughout your video entry.

I've outlined for you all the places that you should focus on. Now, I can tell you that there are quite a few advanced YouTube optimization techniques... but I can't share them all in one video or article.

These tips are the basics... what you should be doing for every video you upload to YouTube. Master the basics, and then move on to more advanced strategies.

5 Ways to YouTube Optimization
Video Title

Place your main keyword phrase in the first part of your video title. Now, don't make your title JUST the keyword phrase. That's dull and you won't stand out among your competitors. You can add words around it.

So, let's say your keyword phrase is "video marketing". Your video title could be "6 tips for video marketing" or "video marketing is awesome".

Video Description

Your video description should start with your main keyword phrase... and then followed by your destination URL. Then include an enticing 2 to 3 sentence description of the video with your keyword phrase used once or twice naturally.

Destination URL

If your destination URL is to your blog post, try to make your blog post name include the keyword phrase. Then paste the complete URL in the description. Google will use this to rank your video.

Paste that full URL in the video description and don't even bother with a bitly or short link.


Include your main keyword phrase and at least 4 closely related keyword phrases in the tags field. You can find these keywords when you use the Google Keyword Tool.

Video File Name

Name your video file name with your main keyword phrase. So, for this example, name your file "video-marketing.mp4". Every little bit helps and tells YouTube and Google that this video is very relevant to that keyword phrase.

Pretty simple right? These are not small things to overlook. Your video's YouTube optimization can be the one thing that prevents your video from being ranked over your competitor. So, do it right.

Ok... now that you know the basics of YouTube Optimization... take action today and apply these tips to your online video marketing strategy.

Jen Thoden

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