A campaign against FGM Female genital mutilation ) - an interview and a clip from a conference in the Danish parliament- the year is 1997.

2013-03-09 2

A campaign against FGM ( Female genital mutilation ) - an interview and a clip from a conference in the Danish parliament- This campaign against FGM was implemented with the support of the danish ministry of health and several other orginasation including the somali community in Danmark , the year is 1997 and one of the biggest challenges back then was to get the support of the somali religious leaders, but on the other hand we got the support of the large muslim community in Danmark as you can see in the clip from the confernece -

Waa barnaamij la xiriira olole ka dhan gudniinka hablaha oo ay ka qayb qaadatay wasaaradda caafimaadka Danmark iyo ururo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin ururada somalida - sanadku waa 1997 , caqabada ugu wayn waxay ahayd iyada oo aanay ka qayb qaadan ololahan culimo ku sheega somliyeed ee Danmark, hase yeeshee waxaa ka qayb qaatayay dhammaan culumada kale ee muslimiinta danmark.