Hertz Manager Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Gun From Rented Car

2013-03-06 190

A Hertz manager is arrested for allegedly stealing a gun from a rental car.

The phrase “finder’s keepers” does not apply to guns. Police recently arrested the manager of a Hertz Rent-a-Car in Florida.

32-year-old, Douglas Orr has been charged with Grand Theft of a Firearm after allegedly stealing a gun that a customer unintentionally left behind in one of the rental cars. The victim reportedly had picked up his deceased father’s possession and left the loaded1911 Springfield Armory .45 caliber handgun in the rental vehicle.

He went back to Hertz and searched the car but he didn’t find the gun. The clerk called Orr, who claimed he had turned the weapon in to the sheriff's office.

Police authorities were contacted and had no reports of a dropped off weapon. After several back and forth conversations, the weapon was returned to the owner and Orr was promptly detained. The weapon was returned to the owner and Orr was abruptly detained.

Last year, a Florida victim called police after discovering a gun and knife had been stolen from his unlocked car. Interestingly, they were left in a white bag next to his front door. The bullets had been removed from the gun.

The bag contained some writing which read “loaded gun, unlocked car=stupid."