100 Years Ago Today - March 4, 1913

2013-03-05 169

Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was happening in the world one hundred years ago? Hi this is Matt and here are 5 New York Times headlines from March 4th, 1913.

Number 5 – President Wilson's inauguration was the big story. 600 Princeton students along with hundreds of townspeople escorted president-elect, Governor Woodrow Wilson to the train headed for Washington D.C. The crowd bid farewell to him singing celebratory songs and cheering him on.

Number 4 – Brooklyn woman, Sarah Nelkin was the mother of an 8-day-old son. While in the reception room of the Jewish maternity hospital, Dr. H.A Rongy noticed the infant was suffering from a loss of blood. It was the doctors response that gets your attention - 'You hold the baby' he said quickly 'and I'll open up my arm'. His efforts saved the child's life. One wonders how a doctor would react today to this scenario.

Number 3 – How much did a hotel cost back in the day? Oh, about $1.50 a day. Hotel DuPont’s advertisement in the paper described the establishment as ‘the most magnificent hotel in America’. It was even fireproof, if you had any doubts about its quality. And for an additional fifty cents, you could get a room with a bath.

Number 2 – when was the last time you heard of a strike by garment workers in America? In 1913, roughly 200 garment employees in Williamsburg were on strike. They barged their way into the clothing factory of Samuel Shapiro and a physical fight ensued between the strikers and the non-union workers. Shockingly, two of the non-union men were thrown from a second story window. They were said to be so hurt that they were likely to die.

Number 1 – Directly following the Princeton event, President Wilson attended the inauguration activities. At 10 in the morning, Wilson left the White House for the capitol. By noon, he was sworn in and delivered his address in front of the capitol. The formal parade began after that, attracting a record breaking crowd.