Iam Not DUMB - A Short film by RAM KIRAN from FIRST LOOK FILMS

2013-03-04 151

Title : I'm Not dumb by RAM KIARAN from d productions of FIRST LOOK FILMS |
Synopsis : 'Iam Not DUMB' film is based on a bomb blastinga in hyderabad.and its a story between the dumb person and terrorists


Crew : Cinematography : ANJANI DOSS | co-director DEVILAL.| Producers ANITHA,SREEDIVYA and NARSI REDDY.| production : RAJESWER REDDY
Story-Screenplay-Dialogues-Camera-Editin­g-Vfx-RR And Direction by RAM KIRAN REDDY

Please watch it and leave your valuable feedback
ramkiran020@gmail.com.cell 7842962402