5 World's Great Animal Migrations

2013-02-27 247

Check out the 5 greatest animal migrations.

If you think you’ve had some exciting journeys, check out these extreme travelers.

Here are 5 of the world’s great animal migrations according to Conde Nast Traveler.

Number 5 – More than 100 million red crabs inhabit Christmas Island, an Australian territory off the coast of Indonesia. The little critters take over the island, venturing across the mainland to the ocean to lay their eggs.

Number 4 – Emperor penguins are diehard migrators. Every year, hundreds of thousands of them travel to the inland from the Antarctic Coast to ensure safe hatching grounds for the babies.

Number 3 – Over the course of the summer months, vibrant pink flamingos venture between the alkaline lakes in Africa’s stunning Rift Valley.

Number 2 – The summer season is a very busy time for zebras, gazelles and wildebeests. The large numbers of animals cross sprawling preserves of Kenya and Tanzania to find the greenest pastures.

Number 1- Humpback whales are massive creatures that travel almost 16,000 miles in one year alone. The creatures venture from polar feeding waters in summer, to the tropical seas where the whales breed and give birth in winter.

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