100 Years Ago Today - February 25, 1913

2013-02-26 44

Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was happening in the world one hundred years ago? Hi this is Matt and here are 5 New York Times headlines from February 25th, 1913.

Number 5 – In 1913, they were trying to address the “high cost of dying”. The leading Catholic church in Cincinnati announced the decision to abolish floral tributes. The church vowed to replace flower displays with memorial cards.

Number 4 – A 15-year-old girl went missing from her home after she was scolded by her mom. The mother, Marie Hallberg went to the police station and told officers her daughter would be easy to recognize because she was 5 feet 7 inches tall with a fair complexion and light-colored hair. Apparently, being five seven was a distinguishing characteristic at that time.

Number 3 – New York Central Lines released an ad in the paper offering travelers an overnight train trip from New York to Chicago on their famous 20th Century Limited line. The target audience seemed to be overworked and tired people. A line states “you can sleep and arrive in the morning refreshed and ready for business.” The word sleep was underlined.

Number 2 – Los Angeles was breaking a record in 1913, for the heaviest amount of precipitation. What's noteworthy is the language used to describe its impact - 'street car traffic was demoralized, telegraph communication interrupted, and the entire city was seriously inconvenienced'.

Number 1 – We think the cost of living is high today, correct? Well it probably has been deemed high at all times in our history. Those days, the “Housewives’ League”, was formed to investigate the high cost of living and battle the 'extortionate middleman'.