Free DAYZ Undetected Hack Menu With BattlEye Bypass_ Tested 2--23-13

2013-02-24 24

I've been working on this menu for some time now. The menu is pretty much complete, and works perfectly. It is based off of Rustler's menu but with a new remote execute to make it undetectable and I've also added my own custom scripts. It runs on all major servers, and as of today it works on Laughingman's Private Hive as well. Below the download link I've put in what some of the new scripts are. There are about 20 new scripts in this menu that are NOWHERE else.

How to use the Menu
Download from the link here
Run it
Go through the installer. It will extract and decrypt the menu, put it in the arma directory and also write in the bypass.

Go into any server
press insert to inject the menu
happy hacking!

Menu was last updated 1/29/13 There are approx. 20+ extra scipts in this package BEYOND the 100+ in the menu
NEW Scripts include:
Player Control
- admin bans
- admin kicks
Spawn Zombie Hordes
-50 zombies
-100 zombies
-200 ZOMBIES!!!!
Flying vehicles
- AntiBan
- AntiKick
- AntiMute
Infections include
- Teleport, Teleport to Player, Teleport to You, Teleport to Vehicle
- NUKES (Chernus, Namalsk, Lingor, and Taviana all tested, will work on others)
- GOD, ESP, Infinite damage, kill, kick, ban
- Spawning Ammo, Guns, Crates, Vehicles, and MINIGUNS
- Flying
- Explosive Rounds