Inmates take over Brazilian prison

2013-02-23 160


Inmates took over a prison in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, on Thursday (February 21) and are now holding a prison officer and a teacher hostage.

The rebellion in the Nelson Hungria Penitentiary, in Minas Gerais state, started over 20 hours ago. Authorities believe around 90 inmates are involved in the mutiny.

The rebellion is believed to have started when the teacher, whose name hasn't been divulged, was giving a class to a group of inmates. While she was being escorted by the prison guard, prisoners ambushed them.

Despite being held at knife point, authorities say neither of the hostages have been harmed.

The inmates are allegedly rebelling for a change in the prison's visiting system, which currently doesn't allow pregnant women in the penitentiary's pavilions. Visits by pregnant women currently take place in a private room with a prison guard on watch.

They also want the prison's director to be replaced.

The Nelson Hungria Penitentiary is also where former Flamengo goalkeeper, Bruno, is being held for the kidnapping and murder of his girlfriend.

So far, there are no reports that Bruno is involved in the rebellion.

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