100 Years Ago Today - February 13, 1913

2013-02-19 8

Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was happening in the world one hundred years ago?

Number 5 - The biggest story that day was the Mexican Revolution. A conflict that began in 1910 and would list till the 1920, it changed the course of Mexico and a major world event.

Number 4 - New York officials were mulling over the new street lights options and how to move away from the gas lamp lights. They generally agreed that higher lights will lead to better and wider illumination. Charles Lamb from the Municipal Art Society wanted to take that thought further and suggested 'it might be a good plan to tow cables in the air by means of aeroplanes and thus light up the whole city with moveable systems of lights'. He insisted he was serious when others seemed to laugh at his idea.

Number 3 - Interested in going to President Wilson's inauguration in early March, 1913. It'd cost you just $9 round-trip from New York to Washington, DC.

Number 2 - Although the First World War would not begin until July 1914, British were getting increasingly concerned about some mysterious aerial activity in their airspace and bill was being pushed through to authorize shooting at any foreign aircrafts. The report noted - 'This is taken to mean that the Government has awakened to the fact that foreign airships have actually flown over English territory.'

Number 1 - One of the reports gives an interesting glimpse into the marathon world back then. It was still a relatively new sport in the US. The distance of the marathon was 25 miles versus the 26.2 miles today. And the winner's time from that particular race was about 2 minute, 53 seconds. Athletes have come far since then by continually pushing the envelope and the current world record is at about 2 minute, 6 seconds.