How To Become A Game Tester and Earn Money By Playing Games

2013-02-10 40
How To Become A Game Tester
So you want to become a game tester?
If you have no experience, it can be tough getting a traditional job in game testing. The reason for this is that it is an overly populated market, as a lot of people are trying to get in on the same opportunities. This makes it so that applying for game tester positions at companies like EA, Rockstar or Activision are difficult to get into unless you have prior experience or a some connection into that company.
Assuming you have no prior experience testing games or in QA, you can approach this in a few ways. You could formulate a resume, apply at these companies (and some may not even be available to you because of your location), and hope that they call you in for an interview, and repeat this over and over until you are able to get in. This isn't exactly the most effective use of your time though.
The other option is to get connected into the industry, gain valuable contacts, be a game tester for many different companies, and be able to accumulate the experience required to join the company of your dreams. The question then is, how do you gain this experience if you have never been a game tester before? Click the link below and find out how to make this happen.
Learn more about becoming a game tester here