Gleymt Skógr -- Pawn of Magicks (Melodic Black Metal)

2013-02-04 72

Third full song by Black Metal band Gleymt Skógr. Gleymt Skógr is heavily influenced by Windir and other folk influenced black metal bands, but also attempts to take in as many influences as possible while maintaining a black metal root. Gleymt Skógr is from Pinckney Michigan.

Genres: Black Metal, Folk Metal, Progressive Metal, extreme metal, melodic black metal


The wizard armed with The Magicks
Left the ancient lands just as his people once had
The magicks and him lusted for revenge

"They had abandoned both of us
Years ago the people of your kingdom betrayed me
Just as they did to you
Once we were both pure of heart
Ripped apart by the same evil we now are"

Unnatural Strength
Instead of growing old
The wizard grew younger

Back to his home he went
A path of carnage followed him
Blood of innocents stained dying grass

He brought Violence, The Magicks brought cold and famine
The people's resistance was futile
The land grew barren and blood stained
This went on for years

But then the wizard realized he was being manipulated
His thoughts were not his own
He grew suspicious
He was just the magicks' pawn

A familiar clearing
With just one ancient tree
Brought back memories, memories of happiness and love
All taken away, All taken away

"I was once a prince, I once knew
Much more than this hate
All taken away by my own flesh and blood
He stole the crown and raped my love, killing her
And all the people believed him, I was blamed and banished
They all believed my brother"

"Although a pawn I may be
I must have my revenge
Betrayed by my kin and all my people
Turned to a hateful lonely old man
Wondering in forgotten woods
I found the abandoned magicks
which had been similarly betrayed
The people abandoned the magick, and they moved south
Angry, the magic froze the land
But it's revenge was not complete and neither was mine

And so the bloodshed continued
Evil bred more evil
Until everything spiraled into hate

The wizard armed with the magicks spread bloodshed and hate
Just as had been done to him
They left them to die abandoned, the rejected will destroy
The rejected will make everyone pay
But still a tiny bit of humanity clung to the wizard...