Deer Antler Plus_Deer Antler Plus Use

2013-02-01 41 -*Click The Link and Get A 2 Month Supply Free*

This is my Deer Antler Plus review, I got a video of The Young Turks discussing Deer Antler Plus on their show. One of the hosts goes on to explain his use of the herbal remedy after being sickly as a child and swear by it's use and how it helped him.

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Velvet antler does not refer to the velvety "skin" on growing antlers, but rather the whole cartilaginous antler in a pre-calcified stage. Typically the antler is cut off near the base after it is about two-thirds of its potential full size, and before any significant calcification occurs.
The antler is dried and used in ancient medicine for a health remedy and health maintenance purposes. Ancient Chinces Herbalists used Deer Antler as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immune stimulant, and pro-growth agent.

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Any questions, let me know and leave a comment..........

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Some Benefits of Deer Antler Plus (in case you don't know)

There are two different types of muscular hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar. During sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, the volume of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle cell increases with no accompanying increase in muscular strength. During myofibrillar hypertrophy, actin and myosin contractile proteins increase in number and add to muscular strength as well as a small increase in the size of the muscle. The positive benefits of Deer Antler can help with both sarcoplasmic and myofirbillar muscle building.

Muscle swelling, as a result of fluid accumulation and immune cell delivery, occurs almost immediately after exercise. This swelling typically lasts 3-4 days but may take as many as 7 to subside. This swelling is associated with muscle stiffness and a decreased range of motion. The muscle recovery benefits of Deer Antler target this phase of your workout: it's geared towards helping the muscle swelling subside more efficiently, allowing you to pick up the exercise faster.

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