Natural and Permanent Weight Loss-Inspiration to Lose Weight
treatment with natural thyroid hormones, read and post in this forum. Ok, so I have a question I don't have anything even resembling a sex drive, and I understand that hypo can certainly cause that. The real unfortunate thing is that I haven't had a sex drive since before I got married and so I don't know what is causing this other issue. When my husband and I tried to have sex, it hurts insanely bad for me. I was either on the placebo, or it didn't help me at all. At any rate, regardless of lots of methods, lots of trying this and that, absolutely nothing has helped it be less painful or even possible for us to have sex. What is worse for my poor husband, is that I have absolutely no interest in "helping him out" shall we say? So he is left extremely frustrated, and I could give a hoot, because I have absolutely zero interest in anything to do with sex, sexuality, etc. Is pain normal for the hypothyroid, or is this likely something completely seperate that I am going to have to fix once I get some form of a libedo back? It is just driving a huge wedge in our marriage and making me doubt in some ways my choice to marry him. But on a personality level we seem so perfect for each other, but it bothers me that I don't seem to be even remotely attracted to him at this point. Is any of this normal? I feel like I am evil, but I don't know what to do about it. Testosterone helps with the libido and estrogen helps with the lubrication and condition of the vaginal tissues. Yesterday my doc Rx me Estrace cream to be used intravaginally twice/week. He said it would help with the pain with intercourse. I also am using transdermal estrogen in low dose, which probably need to be increased. It's important to know that you should not supplement testosterone unless estrogen is a optimal levels or you will have side effects. Have any of your docs checked your hormone levels or suggested a trial of hormones?. No, no one has checked my hormones to my knowledge. Just done the normal "exams" and stated