Life After Losing Pounds-Lose Extra Fat to Start Living

2013-02-01 1

Life After Losing Pounds-Lose Extra Fat to Start Living
calorie drinks. This Content is restricted to our Community. Login or Sign Up for an account to continue reading!. What Are the Different Types of Surgery for Obesity?. What Is Morbid Obesity and What Can Be Done?. All you need is consistency and willpower to wade through. Hope this will inspire you guys, wish you all Good Luck!. Result: - I got tired very soon and always in an irritable mood. Ate all wrong foods at wrong time and most of all, Thanks to my night shift job which took a complete toll on my life and health. Fluctuating BP, Low Hemoglobin levels Low confidence level Inferiority complex - Quite young, but looking at my figure i developed a sense of insecurity when I saw a girl of my age and who was better looking than me. Took a proper consultation from a Dietician who came to our office on every Tuesdays. The very first thing that she told me after checking was so alarming. She told, my upper and lower part of the body was so unproportionate and I will have extreme difficulties if I plan a family. Kicked off my diet with the diet chart she prescribed. Check out this thread for details on my diet plan. My dietician altered my diet plan a bit to make my meal and snack more palatable. Also, she suggested I increase my physical activity and asked me to go on campus walks in office. Was terribly upset when I looked at myself on the mirror with the gym suit on. Gym trainer taught me some muscle strengthening exercises as well for my back. Had that menu where ever I went without any guilty. She told this will do and I need to maintain this. Blessing in disguise -IL support group, friends like Varloo and Dear Chitvish for giving all of us her wonderful salad, raw food, juices and soup recipes. I feel good, more confidant and ready to kick start a new beginning Please bless me and wish me luck. Facebook Stumble Upon Good times are ahead. Aishu, WOW Congrats on ur achievement, way to go girl. Dear Supriya, Thanks so much for your feedback Thanks for your wishes. Did you see my comment on this shot in the gallery, because I said the same exact thing "ask and you shall receive". Anyway, like I said there, great shot, Anders would be proud ; . Great minds and all that ; Yeah, Anders & Omar keep me working to improve my wildlife and landscapes. You, Bob, Rob, Gary and others too numerous to list here remind me thru pictures that I should shoot other things occasionally too. He is the best - I am at work - but will listen to the radio. No need to send