Gael Garcia Bernal: No to impunity

2013-01-31 2


STORY: Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal turned out on Wednesday (January 30, 2013) at Amnesty International's UK office to address the human rights abuses committed by Chile's authorities during Pinochet's rule during the 1970s and 1980s.

Carrying a sign saying 'No to Impunity' he met with the Director of Amnesty UK Kate Allen ahead of a day of press promoting his new movie 'No.' The film tells the story about how an advertising executive came up with a campaign to bring down Pinochet during the referendum in Chile in 1988.

Speaking to Reuters after the photocall, he said: "We need to address what happened then to see what we can change nowadays with the democracy that we're living in, that we can say in general terms, world-wide, there is a lot of discontent. And we need to find ways of how to revive that spirit that actually was one of the most moving, I think, social movements that have ever happened in our modern day history."

Bernal was accompanied to the Amnesty UK office by Eugenio Garcia, one of the advertising executives who worked on the campaign back in 1988 and who was the inspiration behind Bernal's character in the movie.

The film is being released on February 8 in the UK, and Bernal is due to attend special screening of the film in London on Thursday (January 31), followed by a Q&A with the actor. 'No' was also re-released in cinemas in Chile on January 17.

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