Espionage Wallet by Kieran Kirkland and Alakazam Magic - Magic Trick

2013-01-28 219

Available from
Alakazam Magic are Proud to present Kieron Kirklands Espionage Wallet
Kieron along with with the help of Daniel Young created what many magicians have hailed as the holy grail of wallets The Espionage is a secret weapon that even James Bond would be thrilled to own. Kieron has taken elements from Peter Nardis world famous Assassin wallet amp Infinity wallet and added some incredible new features. Making The Espionage the most feature packed mentalism/magic wallet ever.
Just one of the problems Kieron amp Daniel solved was how to have a SUC function in a wallet when you have your money in it. Kieron amp Daniel not only solved this problem but did it beautifully. Its a real why didnt I think of that moment
Some of the features contained within the Espionage
No Palm Card to wallet
Palm Card To Wallet
Billet to wallet
Very clever Internal peek
External peek
Perfect switch wallet
SUC function
Holdout system
Billet Index
Card Index
Shogun System
Now we know what youre thinking this wallet must be huge Well fear not Kieran has combined all these features in to a standard size Hip Pocket wallet.
The Espionage has been design for you to carry as your everyday wallet. You will not believe how many functions this innocent looking wallet contains.
This is a true masterpiece
Each Espionage wallet has been crafted from high quality leather and comes complete with an instructional DVD (which runs for over 1Hr 40 Minutes) packed full of routines and handlings amp tips
The Espionage wallet is the most versatile wallet we have ever seen You are going to love it.
Im not kidding this has to be the best wallet Ive seen to date even AWESOME doesnt do this wallet justice
- Gary Jones