Why Is A Clean Colon And Colon Hydrotherapy So Important (Colon Hydrotherapy)

2013-02-01 58


Why Is A Clean Colon so Important? After food leaves the stomach, it travels thru twenty-three feet of little intestine where the body soaks up nutriments.
The remaining waste matter is moved through to the big intestine ( colon ) and eliminated thru the lower colon. Here lies the issue. The 5-foot long colon is the dumping station for waste matter and poisons.
When this area becomes congested or clogged, waste matter backs up in the small intestines. When this occurs, the liver, gall bladder, spleen, kidneys, and other organs must start holding poisons they'd typically dispose of into the small intestines. Additionally, we are not able to absorb vital nutriments through our abdominal wall as it has toughened waste matter sticking to it. Stress is placed on the whole body because the gut is working so poorly.

The typical person holds about 1020 pounds of clogged fecal matter inside their abdominal tract. Some sources have reported removing over forty pounds of poisonous, impacted waste material from the body. It is crucial to clear and clean the bowel ( massive intestine ) so that everything that's backed-up behind it can start to be dumped too. Just as an illustration showing how significant a healthful and clean colon is, let us glance at the human liver. Our liver produces an enzyme that breaks down fat in our food.
