Haunted 2 (DVD and Gimmick) by Peter Eggink and Mark Traversoni - Magic Trick

2013-01-26 96

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
Peter Eggink started it all with his wildly popular Haunted. Mark Traversoni then experimented for literally hundreds of hours with the concept to evolve it into this final tribute to Peters creation.
Now everyone can easily perform Marks exquisite evolution of Haunted within minutes of opening the box
Haunted 2.0 uses the same basic method of the original Haunted...but the big 2.0 difference is in the enhanced materials and break-through concepts that dramatically alter Haunteds genetic code
Heres what you can do minutes after opening the 2.0 box
Starting with a NORMAL shuffled deck...you place the spectators signed card square into the deck which is set on the table. You can WALK AWAY from the deck and even cover the deck with a clear bowl (Just like in Peters original Haunted..theres nothing connecting you to the deck).
After a few moments of silence..the upper half of the deck eerily starts to MOVE..then slowly SLIDES away from the lower half After the top half of the deck stops moving theres a pause..then the CARD UNDER IT STARTS TO MOVE This single haunted card slowly slithers and CREEPS away from the rest of the deck..then finally stops. Your spectator takes the card ... its the one she signed And yes...you still end up with a NORMAL DECK.
Stick of secret stuff has been replaced with custom Haunted Chips...that take out all the guess work.
Special tips on how to speed up or slow down the deck animation and the creeping card.
Start and finish with a normal deck.
No Palming or Switches. Very Easy to do.
Gimmick is completely self-contained. Nothing attached to performer or table.
DVD includes 10 Haunted performances in a row. One take. No edits. Just so you know that 2.0 is 100 worker friendly.
Complete with 2 Evolved Haunted Gimmicks 20 Haunted Chips supplies for about 1000 performances. DVD of Mark Traversonis Evolved 2.0 handling and Peter Egginks original Haunted instructions.