Enerac 700 Integrated Combustion Emissions Analyzer

2013-01-25 63


The Enrac is the latest in emission monitoring systems, using the advanced SEM elecrochemical sensors and a 3-channel NDIR (Non-Dispersive InfraRed) bench. The versatility of the Enerac 700 is unmatched as either a combustion or emission analyzer. The Enerac 700 also computes the Combustion Efficiency (0-100%), and the Excess Air of Combustion (0-1000%). The 700 also will automatically compute emissions measurements in milligrams per cubic-meter, grams per brake-horsepower-hour, pounds per million-BTUs, or to any oxygen-reference. The advanced SEM electrochemical sensor technology meets the EPA's CTM-002 reference method and 40CFR75 for mass emission measurements.