Boulder Crashes Through Couple's Bedroom

2013-01-24 68

A boulder crashes through a couple's bedroom.

Do you like living amidst the rugged outdoors? It certainly has its tradeoffs.

A couple from Utah, named Scot and Wanda recently moved into a home in St. George.

About a month after settling in, a massive rock tumbled down a ridge that hovered over their backyard and into the couple’s bedroom.

The boulder crashed right through the wall and pushed the furniture several feet away from where it had once been.

Scot had been away for the night, but 63-year-old Wanda heard the rock tumbling and moved to the other side of the bed – a split-second decision that saved her life, as it could have easily crushed her. Her jaw and sternum were broken, but she is expected to make a full recovery.

Last year, a California woman got quite a shock after hearing a thunderous crash. When she opened her garage, she saw a giant boulder resting on the concrete and a massive hole in the door.

Apparently heavy rain had caused the boulder to come loose and roll down a hill. Although no one was hurt, the enormous piece of Earth narrowly missed striking a propane tank.