House Painting - Green Valley AZ

2013-01-22 15 House painting, green valley AZ. Interior, exterior painting. House painter with 27 years experience in Green valley AZ. I started my house painting career at age 23. I had little experience with interior painting and none with exterior painting. Most of my house painting experience came from trial and error and had I known what I know now, I wished I had worked with a seasoned professional to learn the trade in Green valley AZ.

As I advertised my house painting business in Green valley AZ. I developed a small loyal customer base, I began to get good at interior painting, exterior painting, kitchen cabinet painting, and kitchen cabinet refinishing. I liked the trade and was starting to get super busy. I began to hire helpers with my house painting business. Some were good and some were super bad.

One day when I was taking on a kitchen cabinet painting job, my helper took all the hinges off the cabinets and put them all in a box. When we attempted to reinstall the doors, the hinges didn't quite match and we had a heck of a time lining the doors up properly. I started my house painting business in California but now do my house painting in Green Valley AZ. I am trying to do more kitchen cabinet painting and kitchen cabinet refinishing as I love working with wood. Although house painting is just fine with me too.

If I could choose between interior painting and exterior painting, I would prefer interior painting as the summer heat in Green Valley AZ can get hot. Although exterior painting seems to go a little faster, I like interior painting and kitchen cabinet painting best. House painting isn't as easy as most would think. There's much skill involved. There's tricks and techniques that come only with time. How much time is needed to be good at house painting is dependent on if the house painter himself has a natural gift at it. He may be good at exterior painting and no good at all with interior painting. I am fortunate that I am good at both.

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