Alcyon Pleiades (Part 2 of 3) - Original Version

2013-01-22 2

This second part of the video, The Pleiadean Photonic Frequency and the New Photonic Era, explains the reason why there is a delay in the longed for entrance of the Earth and the entire Solar System into the Pleiadean Photonic Belt and the beginning of the new Photonic Era such as the Mayans predicted and which scientists are confirming would coincide with the winter solstice, between 21 and 23 December 2012.

However, this has not happened yet. Therefore, the following video clarifies the strong interferences and opposition created by those who want to dominate the planet in order to delay its inevitable arrival, producing greater pain and chaos, as well as causing humanity to become sceptical of the events for which we all need to be prepared without lowering our guard, so enabling us to participate of a new day of 2,000 years of photonic light.