Trotskyist protest against KKK fascists (1982) Spartacists - 视频Dailymotion

2013-01-22 127

In 1982, a mass labor/black mobilization initiated by the Spartacist League drove the race-terrorist KKK off the streets of Washington, D.C. With the working class reeling from capitalist attacks on labor and with anti-Soviet Cold War II in full swing, the Klan had announced a march against “illegal” immigrants, posing a direct threat to black people, trade unionists, leftists and all who are in the fascists’ sights. But they were stopped cold when more than 5,000 union members, black youth and anti-racist militants turned out and took the streets instead. This demonstration of communist-led, integrated working-class power showed the way forward in the struggle for black liberation through socialist revolution!

See Also: "27 November 1982: “We Stopped the Klan!”