Easy Video Suite Review, EVS Testimonial By Omar Martin

2013-01-22 25

Easy Video Suite Review, Testimonial. http://easyvideosuiteaccess.negociocon.com

If you'd like to know how video marketing
would look like in a perfect world...


A world where you could record, edit, publish,
market and track all of your videos with just
ONE easy-to-use system... (And thus, see
a huge increase in profits)

Then this is going to be the most important video
you have ever watched.

Let me explain...

Until now, the imperfect world of video marketing
possibly has looked like this to you:


#1 You first record your video

(Either your computer screen or with a video camera)

#2 Then you edit your video

(With the same software or perhaps import it into
different video editing software)

#3 You now hope and pray that when you export
your video, it looks great and the file size isn't too big.

(And maybe you're continually searching on the web
or asking around about the perfect export settings
for web video)

#4 Perhaps, if you use certain video players or
wordpress themes, you export it once again to have
a version for smartphones and other mobile devices.

(Typically, they have one field for your regular video
and other field for a mobile version)

#5 Now it could be time to use handbrake or some
other video compression software, to yet again, make
sure the file size isn't too big and it's in the right format.

#6 It's now time to use FTP, Amazon S3, YouTube
or some other service to upload your video.

#7 Time to go login to your video sharing account
and grab your embed code.

#8 And last but not least, you need to paste this
video embed code onto your web page or blog.

Sounds gruesome, doesn't it?
