100 Years Ago Today - January 20, 1913

2013-01-21 97

Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was the world like in 1913?

Number 5 - Being a radiologist was a far more dangerous occupation back then. A report noted one doctor needed to have his left hand amputated and the other doctor already lost 2 fingers due to the exposure to rays. It further mentioned that 'Both will continue their hazardous work.'

Number 4 - A reader's letter aired a grievance relating to new postal rules. The new rules required special stamps and you had to go the post office to mail certain packages. One fascinating aspect of the mail delivery at that time - his mail was brought by the postman with a horse and wagon.

Number 3 - It's always a bit nerve-racking to pass an 18-wheeler on the road. The trucks of that era looked a lot less intimidating - check out the peerless trucks that were being advertised.

Number 2 - One man, by the name of William Boone Eldred, seemed to have found the secret to long life in 1913. Along with bicycling, he was a big fan of molasses. So much so that he pretty much added that to all his food. He passed away at the age of 87.

Number 1 - Looks like certain things don't change - such as the Wall Street. The New York Times' Annalist magazine was covering the new theory of ethical conduct in Wall Street.