Gun supporters rally

2013-01-20 19

A day of gun rallies across the U.S. Saturday...

From New York to Pennsylvania, people who support gun ownership and oppose laws that would make obtaining them more difficult held up banners and signed petitions.

The sentiment was similar for attendees at a gun show in Ohio.


"My thoughts is, you can tell the left-wing liberal idiots there in Washington and all of them, leave our guns alone."

The U.S. debate over gun control flared in mid-December after 20 children aged 5 and 6 were shot to death at their elementary school in Connecticut by a man armed with an assault rifle.

President Barack Obama has begun to push for tougher bans on assault weapons in the wake of the massacre, with several states broadening their laws against assault weapons.

Reaction from gun supporters has been fierce who say their right to bear arms is enshrined in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

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