100 Years Ago Today - January 19, 1913

2013-01-19 51

Here are 5 news stories from around the world 100 years ago.

What was the world like in 1913? Hi this is Matt and here are 5 New York Times headlines from January 19th, 1913.

Number 5 - America was dealing with how to distribute new immigrants during those days. New York City was becoming overcrowded, and the government wanted to send the recently arrived immigrants to farming areas inland to reduce congestion. A new bill made $75,000 available for the setup of immigration centers in Chicago and elsewhere.

Number 4 - Wanted to catch up on the latest women's fashion for 1913? As you can see by the images, dresses were quite a bit more elaborate than what you see today.

Number 3 - Today, the internet gives you instant access to the world's information. In those days, the definition of immediate access had a different meaning. Nelson's Encyclopedia was sold on the promise that you will always stay up-to-date because a new version was published every 6 months.

Number 2 - For self-defense, you didn't need a pepper spray in 1913. In an informative article, Andrew Cunningham, a naval commander, illustrated how you could use your cane for self defense. Heck, he even showed you how to attack using a cane.

Number 1 - For a housewife in 1913 suffering from headaches, this New York Times article had some suggestions. First one - If the housewife awakes with a headache each morning she may be short of ventilation in her room. Other reasons cited were rich foods, too much work, eyestrain, and even hats. Specifically - "a too-heavy hat pressing on a sensitive scalp often means headache.