Natural cat food
Digestive system
The task of the digestive system, in particular of the stomach and the intestine, is to absorb energy and certain components required by the body from food. To achieve this the body has developed a specialised system for preparation (digestion) and intake (resorbtion) which is in close contact (exchange of substances) with the environment, i.e. the food eaten.
Based on the extensive absorption capacities of the stomach and intestinal tract and its vital function as provider, mainly of things required by the organism for life, disruption
in this area have severy consequences. If the body is not able to absorb what it really needs to maintain its functions, this causes disruptions which we usually call "Disease"!
The interrelation between healthy digestion and material and mental well-being is known for long, and old folk wisdoms such as "Health is situated in the intestine" and "The
stomach is the window to the soul" also apply to our fourlegged friends. However, animals' feedingstuff is often in a sorry state today.
From a naturopathy point of view, one of the biggest factors is the vast circulation of extruded feedingstuff. This is produced under high temperatures und high pressure.
Here, the feedingstuff is not only "opened up", i.e. predigested, but virtually all natural vitamins and micronutrients contained in the additives are destroyed.
These must then again be added as synthetic substance leading to other problems, particularly with the metabolic system. In case an animal is longer fed with this predigested feedingstuff only, the digestive system gets used to it and physiological digestive functions are decreased, since the animal does not really digest anymore.
However, the sensitive and elaborated "Digestion" system is aligned to dealing with natural feedingstuff, therefore leading to problems in the long run. Without supply of natural feedingstuff (sometimes rich in dietary fibres), which needs to be digested intensively, intestinal motor function reduces more and more. In addition to feedingstuff rich in structures, intestinal motor function is the main function for cleaning the intestine.
Everything stated under "Additives per kg" is no natural feedingstuff component, but was added to it. This particularly refers to synthetic vitamins and inorganic bound mineral substances.
The digestion system is only healthy if the intestine really gets something to digest. Therefore, natural, structure-rich feedingstuff is indispensable! During manufacturing cold-pressed feedingstuff is, in contrast to extruded feedingstuff, not heated to temperatures which destroy important micronutrients and predigest feed components.
CdVet UK offers only 100% natural cat food.