100 Years Ago Today - January 14, 1913

2013-01-16 44

Learn about what happened 100 years ago today on January 14, 1913.

What was the world like in 1913? Here are 5 New York Times headlines from January 14th, 1913.

Number 5 - Governor elect Edward F. Dunne walked out of a hotel restaurant without ordering his breakfast once he saw the price of coffee on the menu. When he got up and asked for his hat and coat, his companion asked where he was going. Mr. Dunne’s response? “Going where I can get coffee for 10 cents. Thirty-five cents is too much for anyone to pay for coffee.” Imagine if he walked into a Starbucks today.

Number 4 - The first aerial parcel postal delivery took place from Boston. Harry M. Jones , flying a Wright B airplane, carried a cargo of baked beans to be delivered in Providence, New London, New Haven-Bridgeport and New York City.

Number 3 - A realty company advertises 2 lofts for sale in the heart of Manhattan for $2,000 a piece. Today, you can't even rent a loft in Manhattan for less than $2,000 a month. And buying one would cost millions of dollars.

Number 2 - In South River, New Jersey, Mayor Joseph Mark announced that he would no longer conduct marriage ceremonies for any groom who was in debt. One of the grooms was denied a wedding until he paid his past due grocery bill of $42.

Number 1 - Due to technological limitations, The New York Railways Company outlined the challenges in providing heat within street cars due to winter months. Ofcourse, no heat in our trains would be unthinkable today.